Epic Stock Media Fantasy World 是一个电影游戏奇幻冒险音效库,旨在帮助您快速创建令人惊叹的沉浸式音频环境。非常适合您的奇幻冒险、2D、3D 移动应用游戏、动态图形、电影和音频制作。超过 3 小时的流行场景声音循环,您将有能力创造完美的情绪和声音环境,让您的幻想世界栩栩如生!
183 files
7 GB of ambiences
All in 96k 24bit .wav audio file resolution
70 full ambience loops
95 minimal versions & layers – all loopable
8 non-melodic loops
A wide variety of popular locations
Assassin Camp, Elven Outpost Haunted Cavern, Mystical Sanctum
Tribal Camp, Desolate Dungeon Ancient Tomb, Forest of the Unknown
Fairy Land, Ominous Jungle Barren Foothills, Shamans Apothecary,
Orc Ruins, Orc Slaughter Den, Werewolf Den, Vampire Spire
Tavern, Nether Realm, Market, Goblin Lair, Cathedral, Canyon
3 hours of loop-able audio atmospheric sounds
All royalty-free
RTU-OTB (ready to use out of the box)